Audio, Video and Text
Included below are interviews and articles with mention to an Eric Taub. When I was on the plane on my way back from Yaounde, Cameroon in 1993 with the first several grams of ibogaine, I thought it appropriate to create a pseudonym. I had no idea that a quarter century later the name Eric Taub would have some presence on something called Google and also recognition within a world wide body of ibogaine providers and the many who have experienced ibogaine during all these years.

End of the Road – Episode 196
In this episode Richie discusses his remarkable synchronistic journey of learning of ibogaine’s addiction interrupting effects, to traveling to Africa and finding a source for ibogaine HCL and he and his colleagues adaptation of earlier psychedelic researcher Claudio Naranjo’s protocol for using ibogaine during psychospiritual sessions.
Psychedelics Today Podcast – April 16th, 2021
In this episode, Joe interviews returning guest Richie Ogulnick, a facilitator/guide who has been helping clients through ibogaine experiences for 26 years.
The Naked Guru Podcast
Iboga for Spiritual Intention and Addiction
MYEBOGA Interview – March 15th 2020
The life & times of Richie aka Eric Taub in the ibogaine world. Richie takes us from his beginnings with ibogaine to the present day (Mar 2020) and details his unusual and synchronistic journey into the world of iboga and ibogaine that sees him travel across the...
The Greener Grass Podcast Richie Ogulnick is one of the big proponents of Ibogaine, a psychedelic drug famous for battling addiction. He talks about his discovery of the iboga plant, his trip to Cameroon to find out more...
The Johnny Appleseed of Ibogaine – Dimitri Mugianis Talks Podcast This week's episode features a conversation with Richie Ogulnick. Richie is a pioneer of underground treatment with ibogaine in the United States. We talk about his...
Ibogaine Therapy – Psychedelic Salon
Date this lecture was recorded: December 17, 2018. Today’s program was recorded during last Monday’s live session of the Psychedelic Salon. It features a conversation/interview with Richie Ogulnick, who is a...
Ibogaine Uses & Addiction Interruption Therapy
In this episode Joe interviews, Richie Ogulnick, a long time Ibogaine provider and enthusiast. During the show they discuss Ibogaine and Addiction-Interruption Therapy. 3 Key Points: Ibogaine is a compound found in the Tabernanthe Iboga plant that has been used to...
Iboga & Addiction – Change Truth Podcast Richie joins me to share his 25 years of knowledge about the powerful psychedelic drug Iboga, A.K.A. Ibogaine. The substance has amazing properties when it comes to treating physical...
Out of the Box Heroin Detox – Families Transforming Addiction
“What Ibogaine does is it gives people the insight that they have to…have the courage to do something that they must do.” –Richie Ogulnick Who would dare be a major proponent of an unfamiliar heroine...
Pioneering Ibogaine – Cosmic Tortoise Podcast
Earlier this year, I had a chance to speak with Ryan Ferris at the Cosmic Tortoise Podcast in New Zealand. We discuss a variety of topics. Download the episode directly *here* or search Cosmic Tortoise on all platforms. Cosmic Tortoise Podcast "Richie’s story of...
The Naked Guru Podcast
Iboga for Spiritual Intention and Addiction
Amsterdam Intervieww/ Eric Taub
Amsterdam, 1999: Eric Taub speaks about Ibogaine with Dutch reporter. E-mail: SIX PARTS
Ibogaine – Rite of Passage Documentary A Revealing documentary about a unique tool that can help people overcome life hurdles such as drug dependency or other forms of addictive behavior. Ibogaine comes from the West African plant Tabernanthe iboga and is used traditionally to...
Fighting Opiate Addiction Eric Taub on "Freedom Formula" a new supplement said to help reduce the withdrawal symptoms of opioids in conjunction with Ibogaine
Ibogaine’s Wikipedia Page
The Conscious Cafe: Eric Taub by Daniel Holeman and Roberta Walker Holeman: So I’m speaking now with Eric Taub from Florida, who is a therapist and a practitioner who is speaking about the substance called ibogaine. And we’ll start off...
“Ibogaine”, MYEBOGA Ibogaine It may change society and save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people (at a conservative estimate), but ibogaine development is being tied up in a bitter legal war that has already almost ruined...
Ibogaine: Does This Psychedelic Drug Portend the End of Primal Therapy? By John A. SpeyrerFrom Primal Feelings Newsletter - Issue #11 - Winter 1995-96 Much basic government sponsored research in drugs and drug addiction was being conducted during the early 1960s. Its ultimate aim was to understand...
Ibogaine’s long, strange trip's-long,-strange-trip How fear and loathing have kept an addict's best friend undergroundBy MARA SHALHOUP Wednesday July 11, 2001
A Home for Ibogaine in Barcelona Eric Taub heard about ibogaine from a friend who was considering using it to treat his alcoholism. What his friend said was so intriguing that Taub headed straight to the library to do research.ByMary...
IBOGAINE AND PTSD: The Quieted Rage – by Damon Matthew Smith
PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is a condition that has had limited progress in the creation of viable treatment options for people afflicted with this despair and rage inducing disorder. Conventional medicine has come up with no long-term answers to the...
Ibogaine Explained – Book Ibogaine is the world's most powerful psychedelic. It has helped thousands of people overcome addiction to pain medicines, heroin, methadone, crack/cocaine, methamphetamine, and alcohol without...
The Evidence for Ibogaine: What New Studies Tell Us About Ibogaine for Addiction Treatment An article written by Roger R for the Psychedelic Times. Roger is a writer, researcher, and advocate for psychedelic research and...
Ibogaine: Fantasy & Reality healing_journey_ch_5_ibogaine_englishDownload