Highly Personalized Ibogaine Sessions
Some people find it useful to receive ibogaine in a neutral setting without the habits and distractions of life while others find it an integral part of the pilgrimage towards oneself to actually journey to another country or area they have never been. Others, who love their home and find nothing in their habitat impeding their internal swing, can create a profoundly effective experience where they live. We can discuss all these options and determine what the most conducive environment for your session.

Treatment At Home
For those living outside of the US, I can come to your quiet home. An ideal option if you have only a few days and can see the benefit of my assistance to reintegrate into work, family, and daily life

Retreat Away from Home
For those that have a lovely, quiet place in mind that’s outside of the US, I recommend three to six days to fully integrate the ibogaine experience.

the grandfather of psychoactives
Ibogaine is an alkaloid extracted from the West African shrub, Tabernanthe iboga. It has been used as a rite-of-passage and healing tool by tribespeople for centuries. It is considered to be the grandfather of all psychoactives because, unlike others we are familiar with, ibogaine is a three stage process, which people tend not to do more than a couple of times during their lives.
Richie Ogulnick
Welcome! I have decades of experience with Ibogaine and my mission now is to offer highly personalized ibogaine sessions so that individuals can fully experience the insights and healing the medicine can offer.
My Approach
Twenty six years ago I took a plane back from Cameroon with my first grams of ibogaine. The very day of the flight, my therapist friend was given the chapter, “Ibogaine Fantasy and Reality”, from the out of print book, The Healing Journey, by the Chilean therapist, Claudio Naranjo. Since we had no other data to go by, a small group of us decided to follow the protocol outlined by Naranjo. The lower dose interactive/directive ibogaine sessions documented in this chapter enabled us to explore the utilization of ibogaine as a therapeutic and psycho spiritual tool. As the months progressed, we gradually increased the dose. After a couple of years of this, we arrived at a dose range where those who experienced ibogaine were introduced to the essence energy of the plant. The intensity of these sessions precluded continuing with directive work.

It is only now, during this new phase of the ibogaine journey for me, that I see the usefulness in spending some hours working with lower doses to explore specific intentions, for example honing in on two precise subjects a person would like to explore and work through during their session. This focus creates a state in which a person can access deep unresolved issues. People often describe this as watching a movie screen in their mind’s eye. Drawing on my experience with higher dose protocols, I now increase the dose after those first few hours of the low dose directive therapy. This creates a 16 to 30-hour second stage, the self reflective phase. Ibogaine is clearly a wonderful tool for this exploration because it allows the person to identify with the witness of all that is being explored. And, as all the scriptures in the world allude to, the power to heal is in the impartiality of the witness within.
“… I healed scars I wasn’t even aware I had. The veil of my shadow was lifted. “
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